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LETTER: Langford mayor’s comments discount residents’ concerns

In response to Mayor Stew Young’s comments in the Aug. 25 Goldstream Gazette calling citizens opposed to development “naysayers,” the citizens in the neighbourhood of the Millstream proposal understand the need for increased density. We have been taxpayers for many years and have contributed to the economy for Langford and deserve a retraction of this statement.

In response to Mayor Stew Young’s comments in the Aug. 25 Goldstream Gazette calling citizens opposed to development “naysayers,” the citizens in the neighbourhood of the Millstream proposal understand the need for increased density. We have been taxpayers for many years and have contributed to the economy for Langford and deserve a retraction of this statement.

Our homes are not worth $2 million. My assessment was $480,000 and my appraisal was $550,000 in January 2021. I have lived in my home for 16 years. There are no homes worth $2 million in our neighbourhood. Maybe Mayor Young’s home is worth that but not ours.

My home is affordable now but if I sold and bought a condo I would have no privacy, a mortgage and maintenance fees that would be greater than my mortgage. If I rented a one-bedroom that was 650 square-feet it would cost $1,700 and would have no privacy. That is not affordable for me and I am a pensioner. Mayor Young please get your facts straight before making misleading comments. Please be respectful of all Langford residents.

LoriAnn Locken


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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