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LETTER: Little guy left out of Langford development process

The recent article on Langford’s development process tells only half the story. We realize there is an Official Community Plan for every city. We realize people planning to buy in Langford should check this out as well as the zoning.

The recent article on Langford’s development process tells only half the story. We realize there is an Official Community Plan for every city. We realize people planning to buy in Langford should check this out as well as the zoning.

However, it has become apparent over the last year or two that Langford council bulldozes ahead with little or no consultation with the taxpaying public, unless they happen to be developers, or bringing money to Langford, such as Starlight Investments, with $500,000 for having their name on the arena.

The problem is, various areas of the OCP change all the time as does the zoning, as referenced in last week’s and every week’s Langford ads. There is very little input into these changes, and zoning for that matter, that are considered by council as they forge ahead with their own agenda, regardless of public sentiment. And this has been exacerbated by their ability to bypass in person public meetings during COVID, only now finally agreeing to livestreaming, as the rest of the Capital Region municipalities have long since done.

I worry about all the high-rise buildings, built right out to the sidewalks, with no green space around them whatsoever.

It would make sense to me that, when planning these buildings, especially those renting to families, that there should be some area of green space or park, as part of the plan, for children to spend time outside. I have noticed in my neighbourhood that more and more, mostly teens, are congregating where they shouldn’t, but where are they to go? I realize we have arenas and organized sports, etc. but they all cost money.

And, by the way, the “affordable housing” around the city is not affordable to your average wage-earner, or seniors. So how about it, Langford? Give your heads a shake. Get back to basics and consider the “little guys.”

Wendie O’Neill


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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