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LETTER: Loud car stereo driving neighbours to distraction

I have been very upset at various times since May by very loud booming sounds coming from the vicinity of West Saanich Road.

I have been very upset at various times since May by very loud booming sounds coming from the vicinity of West Saanich Road.

Sometimes it started south of my property and moved northerly. At other times it moved from north to south. The booming sound was loud enough to shake our windows and cause pain in my ears. It was particularly irksome when it happened at bedtime. It didn’t last too long, but the frustration made it difficult to go to sleep. Having old age sleeping problems anyway didn’t help the matter.

This “rebel without a cause” has said that if somebody told him the booming sound was causing problems he would turn it down. What a joke! He knows full well the difficulty anyone has contacting him. Thank goodness someone finally corralled him and got him stopped playing his 8,000-watt boombox in Central Saanich.

However, this hasn’t stopped him from continuing his adolescent behavior along West Saanich Road in Saanich. This young fellow needs counseling, preferable by a psychiatrist.

David Ward


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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