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LETTER: Love conquers fear and always will

Reader says imagine what kind of a world you want for yourself and it diminshes fear

More than ever before, people are finding themselves fearful for themselves, their families, friends, and their ways of life. It’s difficult to remove oneself from this sense of dread enveloped around us.

If we desire to move positively forward on this earth, it’s imperative we remove this ever present fear from our consciousness. But it can only be removed by filling this destructive thinking with something else, something wholesome.

Fear is a construct initiated by outside entities. At the basic level it’s a tool to spur us into action for survival purposes. But living in constant fear paralyzes us into inaction and persuades us to accept direction from others, whether sound or not, while eroding our freewill.

If one wants to remove fear one must replace it with other thoughts. But what thoughts? They must be specific.

Imagine what kind of a world you want for yourself, your family and friends, your community, your nation, our world. Imagine this while going into your heart, entering into a world of love.

Whenever you’re feeling fearful, pull off the information highway, put yourself into a relaxed position, let your muscles release, and in your heart imagine your life filled with love and all the beauty created through it. Eventually, you’ll find yourself going there automatically.

This is what meditation is all about. Positive. Loving. Focus.

Love conquers fear and always will. We must recognize this and apply it. The more people envisioning this the more it will amplify around the world.

Take a moment, imagine a better world. Whenever fear creeps in, go there in your mind and strive to live it in your life. You’ll find it created around you.

Bill Needoba


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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