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Letter: Many ways for students to ‘skirt’ dress codes

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Re: School uniforms the answer if district can’t decide on a dress code (Letters, Oak Bay News)

Mr. Williams, are you an educator in the public or private sector? Maybe not at all?

While the dress code “debate” as you’ve labelled it, can be “challenging”, until you have worked in a private school or have known people who have worked in a private school, there are many ways in which students skirt the issue of following the ‘uniform code’. Moreover, to make a comment like: “Do you believe that the administrators at Glenlyn Norfolk School or St. Micheals University School are worried about dress codes,” is naive and baseless. Maybe your kids are/were students in the private sector and it works/worked for them, and maybe they are/were not. To make such a blanket statement, is at best, a poor educated guess.

Will Moore

Oak Bay

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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