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LETTER: Marijuana legalization just another tax grab

Re: Marijuana’s risks don’t belong in Sidney . I am in complete agreement with Sue Pazder’s letter. I believe her argument is sound and clearly reveals an understanding of the problem far beyond most of the citizenry.

Re: Marijuana’s risks don’t belong in Sidney. I am in complete agreement with Sue Pazder’s letter. I believe her argument is sound and clearly reveals an understanding of the problem far beyond most of the citizenry.

I myself did email the mayor’s office some weeks ago expressing my opposition to a retail cannabis store in Sidney. The receipt of my email was duly noted and is on record in the mayor’s office.

I would like to add a further comment. The legalization of marijuana by the Liberal government was really intended to provide the government with one more sin tax to help counter the nation’s runaway debt.

Thus far, because the demand for legal recreational marijuana has shown little or no decrease vis-a-vis the demand for street sources, I believe this thinking has been completely misguided.

Not withstanding that many readers may see this as a cynical view, I believe it is worthy of consideration and warrants being included as an election issue.

David Baxter


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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