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LETTER: Marijuana’s risks don’t belong in Sidney

I totally disagree with any sort of retail marijuana shop in Sidney.

I totally disagree with any sort of retail marijuana shop in Sidney.

ALSO READ: Sidney considers bylaw change to allow weed shops

I do not have an issue with medicinal use, I understand it can be very helpful without getting people high.

I disagree 110 per cent with any sort of retail marijuana outlet in Sidney. If the elderly or others want to purchase it and don’t want to drive or bus to Victoria, there is always mail order and delivery.

Lives can be destroyed by smoking marijuana or its derivatives just once. If someone is genetically predisposed to mental illness, smoking pot just once can trigger psychosis, which can be unrelenting and does cost lives.

ALSO READ: Canadian study links teenage pot use to increased risk of suicidal behaviour

I challenge anyone who thinks getting high for fun is harmless to spend a day or two at the Archie Cournall Centre at the Royal Jubilee Hospital, or if they can afford the ferry fare, a day or two at BC Psychosis at Detwiller Pavilion at UBC.

A retail outlet is the last thing Sidney needs in an area of so many young families who are already struggling to raise happy, healthy kids in this day and age. Is there a law against such a retail outlet in close proximity to an elementary school?

It can cost lives, and can also do irreparable damage to the families of people suffering through psychosis due to marijuana use.

Sue Pazder


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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