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LETTER: Monuments remind us that humans are fallible

Re: Sidney’s acting mayor says no one noticed removal of Queen’s portrait . So, acting mayor Peter Wainwright is surprised that the decision to remove the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II from council chambers has drawn an inquiry.
Sidney’s acting mayor Peter Wainright said he is surprised to field questions about the town’s decision to remove a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II from council chambers. (Wolf Depner/News Staff)

Re: Sidney’s acting mayor says no one noticed removal of Queen’s portrait. So, acting mayor Peter Wainwright is surprised that the decision to remove the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II from council chambers has drawn an inquiry.

Well one obvious reason is the public were not aware it had been ejected from council chambers. Was there consultation or even information presented to the community before she was thrown out?

Seems to me, it’s high time this pretentious attitude of mayor and council recall who elected them to office and why; many develop a haughty, disdainful stance toward public opinion once seated in chambers.

READ ALSO: Absence of Queen’s portrait from Sidney council chambers draws range of reactions

Victoria council has committed a number of blunders: the clandestine removal of Sir John Macdonald statue at 5 a.m., with workers on overtime, speaks volumes. A large plaque at the base of the statue could have told the past errors of history and been a learning tool for future generations, yet demonstrating respect for all people.Awful atrocities were committed against the Aboriginal people here, and also against the Japanese who lived here at the start of the Second World War.

Monuments and statues remind us that humankind is fallible and we must do better. Canada’s history is a recent one compared to other countries, and if we destroy our past mistakes how can we learn from them?

Our Queen is a gracious lady, a sovereign who will be remembered hundreds of years to come, who has devoted her life to her people; she is also the head of the Commonwealth that encompasses Canada.

You are entitled to your opinion Mr. Wainwright, this great country bestows you that privilege. However, when in public office, you represent the constituency and not your personal view.

Margaret J. Jestico

Central Saanich

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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