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LETTER: More voting options could increase turnout

I was stunned to find out that the turnout in Victoria for the Oct. 15 municipal election was actually lower than the previous election in 2018.

I was stunned to find out that the turnout in Victoria for the Oct. 15 municipal election was actually lower than the previous election in 2018.

I worked as an election officer at the James Bay New Horizons poll and we were incredibly busy. We started the day with a lineup and voters told us they had waited up to an hour and a half to vote. Some had tried at the other James Bay poll where it was equally busy and I understand the advanced poll where I voted at City Hall actually extended its time by 1.5 hours in order to accommodate all those waiting to cast their ballots. My wife reported the same wait at the Cook Street Activity Centre where she voted.

I wonder, with crowds like that, if some potential voters, with less time on their hands or less patience, simply gave up when they saw the lineups? The city needs to look at additional advance polls, more voting day polls and perhaps online voting as is being used in Ontario.

Low turnout may not be as much an indicator of lack of interest as it is a lack of time.

Ken Walker


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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