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LETTER: Neighbourhood pools fit with Climate Leadership Plan

Why do we need a large costly swimming pool and leisure facility serving one neighbourhood when we could build several small pools in Victoria serving more neighbourhoods? The equity argument needs to be applied fairly.

Why do we need a large costly swimming pool and leisure facility serving one neighbourhood when we could build several small pools in Victoria serving more neighbourhoods? The equity argument needs to be applied fairly.

READ MORE: Victoria council revisits Crystal Pool replacement project

The city should decentralize what is the only public leisure facility in the city and instead look at building smaller neighbourhood pools. A large single, multi-use leisure facility places a huge demand on energy resources. It places even more demand on transportation.

READ MORE: Crystal Pool should serve city’s most vulnerable: North Park Neighbourhood Association

Victoria’s Climate Leadership Plan aims to reach an 80 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and transition to 100 per cent renewable energy by 2050. So how does rebuilding the Crystal Pool fit into the city’s Climate Leadership Plan?

READ MORE: Greater Victoria officials take climate emergency request to CRD

The convenience of small neighbourhood pools, perhaps located at schools, will encourage and enable more people to lead healthier lives and reduce their carbon footprint by walking or cycling to these local facilities. By the way, why don’t we have an outdoor pool in Victoria?

Council should be serving all residents and not just a particular group north of Pandora Avenue.

Christina Mitchell


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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