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LETTER: No action taken on Oak Bay’s climate emergency

On April 8, council moved that the District of Oak Bay declare a climate emergency. What now, as August ends another season of drought?

On April 8, council moved that the District of Oak Bay declare a climate emergency. What now, as August ends another season of drought?

ALSO READ: CRD endorses Climate Emergency Declaration

I would like to know what this actually means to council, and how you are going to follow through on this? Do you mean to limit engagement to the narrow goal of carbon neutrality by 2030?

The green canopy initiative and support for the rehabilitation of Uplands Park are reasonably well known. Are you planning on going beyond that?

I am unaware of any strong pronouncement about the declared protection (dog restrictions) of the south rocky point off Willows Beach where Bowker empties into the bay.

ALSO READ: Oak Bay considers dog ban on portion of Willows Beach

How is protection of the Greater Victoria Harbour Bird Sanctuary moving forward to ensure that initiative is successful? How are you planning on going beyond that?

Does public engagement to talk about water, land use, waste and transportation interest you? This would help to promote community awareness and invite positive action, individually and collectively.

ALSO READ: Victoria man hasn’t put trash out for three years

Given the limited budget of council, how willing are you to engage and support citizens in participating in discussion of your emergency proclamation. Have you plans for community outreach?

ALSO READ: GNS students inspire Oak Bay to re-examine plastic bag ban

I look forward to hearing from you about this. Also, a public response to my inquiry in the Oak Bay News would be appreciated by myself, as well as the many Oak Bay residents who are looking to council for support if not leadership in this matter.

Pam Woodland

Oak Bay

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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