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LETTER: North Saanich Green candidate's disqualification raises concerns

I have grave concerns over the Green Party’s failure to adhere to a fair and democratic process by leaving Amy Haysom off the ballot
(Black Press Media file photo)

I have grave concerns over the Green Party’s failure to adhere to a fair and democratic process by leaving Amy Haysom off the ballot to nominate a candidate for Saanich North and the Islands.

Having known Amy professionally for well over a decade, I can attest to her quality of character and abilities. Having spoken to Amy personally, I have learned that she was intentionally left off the ballot due to a voiced concern, yet when I spoke to Alex Brunke directly to speak on Amy’s behalf, I was dismissed quickly without my words being spoken.

The concern raised was a rumour and not based on factual events. This unjust and undemocratic action screams of manipulation and exclusion at the expense not only of Amy Haysom, but of the public who support not only her but also a fair process.

This needs not only to be rectified, but also to be investigated so that our democratic process is not violated again by whomever is pulling these strings.

Richard Lee, career ed teacher

Gulf Islands Secondary School