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LETTER: North Saanich mayor shows little respect to voters

Stark contrast in how Sooke and North Saanich mayors treat their constituents
North Saanich municipal hall

I was listening to the radio and heard a number of excerpts from Sooke and North Saanich council meetings.  What struck me was the difference in how the mayors spoke to their public.  

Sooke's mayor often greets each presenter, but most certainly thanks them.  It takes a little courage to speak in public and taking the time to exercise your democratic voice is not always easy.  The mayor's simple recognition of each speaker shows a lot of respect.

North Saanich's mayor never greets a speaker, hardly pays attention as he fidgets and shuffles things on his table, constantly watches the clock, interrupts with a "you have 15 seconds" comment (speakers are allowed three minutes), then dismisses the speaker with "Next." He is disrespectful and rude, but my deeper concern is his lack of interest in his constituents.  As was suggested by a previous councillor, he acts like a dictator with his rude bullying of the public.

It was a crowded house, standing room only, at the July 8 council meeting ... because much of the audience was not provided chairs. That crowd had gathered well in advance of the doors opening, so there was no excuse for this rudeness.  

I hope North Saanich residents are paying attention to their local government. It is time for them to start participating, start calling out inappropriate behaviour, and start demanding a higher standard.

Frank Gee

North Saanich