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LETTER: North Saanich pickleball court neighbours have right to peace and quiet

(Black Press Media file photo)

The May 6 North Saanich council meeting must have been a lively one, based on your reporting.

Having lived nearly a decade in a place where a municipality put in tennis courts, close to my home and many others, then added lighting and then made the lighting coin operated, I can empathize with the neighbours of the pickleball courts

There was a die-hard bunch I swear played tennis 24/7 right outside many a bedroom.

Why municipalities put these facilities where they do escapes me. They belong in the middle of industrial parks well away from residential areas and even better, inside a building.

I accept folks have the right to play the game. I also accept that local residents have the right to some peace and quiet, particularly in the evenings.

What the proponents of keeping the courts open need to recognize, and in particular the guy who says he can rip down the gates every day, the ultimate solution for North Saanich council is to tear the courts out and end the debate.

Who wins in that situation?

Alex Currie

North Saanich