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LETTER: Pick up after your pet

To the poopetrators: Even though picking up dog poo is unpleasant and laborious, that does not give you the right to leave the poo all over the sidewalks — a behaviour some might call crappy.

To the poopetrators: Even though picking up dog poo is unpleasant and laborious, that does not give you the right to leave the poo all over the sidewalks — a behaviour some might call crappy.

If the number two is too much to pick up, please try letting your dog litter your own property. Otherwise, if you find yourself in a poodicament, help yourself to one of the many poop bags that have been left out by our lovely community.

Stepping in the excrement leaves you scattered and is certainly pooblematic … especially when you have to drag your heels to scrape it off.

Dog-parents: let’s encourage our fur babies to not disappooint and to squat on the grass! And, when they do, let’s show our appoociation by picking it up. I hope we have poosuaded you to take the time to keep our sidewalks (and shoes) clean.

Sincerely, your appoohensive neighbour

Niki Bechtloff


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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