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LETTER: Pick up after your dog

I live in Central Saanich and am an avid walker. Everywhere I go, I see colourful bags of dog feces – along pathways, in ditches, hanging in bushes, on fences. This is not responsible dog ownership.

I live in Central Saanich and am an avid walker. Everywhere I go, I see colourful bags of dog feces – along pathways, in ditches, hanging in bushes, on fences. This is not responsible dog ownership.

If you own the dog, you own the dog feces. Leaving it for the municipality or neighbours to pick up is not acceptable behaviour. It is immature, inconsiderate and selfish.

Plastic bags are a huge hazard to our ocean life. They never biodegrade, but they do break down into tiny pieces that are very likely to end up in a waterway. Small and large pieces of plastic in the ocean enter the food chain and cause irreparable damage to fish and marine mammals. Why would anyone want to be the cause of this?

So dog owners, my message to you is: “Grow up, get a life and take responsibility for your dog feces.”

L.M. Phillippe


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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