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LETTER: Planning for services can’t keep pace with housing legislation


Hang on! Here we go with the history-making rezoning of the province. Single-family detached housing will be no more if you are on a lot with city-supplied sewer or water. And this all happens without a public hearing. Do you feel silenced?

What will happen to your property taxes if your property is up-zoned from residential, single-family to small-scale, multi-unit residential?

Is it really necessary to rezone all urban areas of the province to this new increased density? How many housing units are needed before a glut on the market occurs?

I believe affordable housing must be available for all income levels. I don’t believe the legislation as proposed will achieve the desired outcome. Comprehensive planning is required for sewer, water, roads and services such as schools, hospitals, doctors and dentists. Planning takes time and money. Funding from many sources is required. I don’t believe the short timeframe as proposed by this legislation will allow a successful outcome.

I am seriously concerned by the intrusion and lack of respect by the province for local levels of government. Our mayors and councillors and regional directors have been elected to respond to the different needs and changing circumstances within our communities. It is my understanding that the mayors are still waiting for a response from the province to their concerns about this legislation.

I encourage you to contact your local MLA to voice your concerns and to recommend this legislation be tabled until such time as planning reports and funding sources are identified and secured.

Margo Whitbread
