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LETTER: Politicians pander to paranoid flappers

Re: Stop looking for loopholes in travel restrictions ( Our View , May 13)

Re: Stop looking for loopholes in travel restrictions (Our View, May 13)

Your editorial appropriately highlights confusion from a government that cannot communicate clearly.

Some research shows that lockdowns do not help – and may harm.

In my judgment, politicians are pandering to paranoid flappers instead of being sensible about dealing with another strong respiratory virus – influenza. They play the game of jumping up when a trend emerges, claiming to lead it or provide salvation from it.

Those politicians failed to prepare for the inevitability of another pandemic – not enough personal protection equipment, no training in coping with surges in demand on hospitals. They cannot communicate clearly. They exaggerate as Premier John Horgan did on at least two occasions, including flapping about children who are little affected by COVID-19 so are not a significant source of virus spread.

Keith Sketchley


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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