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LETTER: Proportional Representation will bring collaboration between political parties

During the electoral referendum in B.C. , there is a very heavily funded campaign funded by big business and largely by the B.C. liberals to scare citizens into voting against changing from First Past the Post, our current system, to Proportional Representation. The tactics being used are patronizing to citizens, constantly trying to convince us that we are incapable of understanding how Pro Rep works.

During the electoral referendum in B.C. , there is a very heavily funded campaign funded by big business and largely by the B.C. liberals to scare citizens into voting against changing from First Past the Post, our current system, to Proportional Representation. The tactics being used are patronizing to citizens, constantly trying to convince us that we are incapable of understanding how Pro Rep works.

There are two very important considerations in favour of Pro Rep, which are, every vote counts. If a party or candidate gets 40 per cent of the votes that is how many seats they get in the legislature. This creates a government where collaboration is the key to success as opposed to partisanship and infighting which ends up accomplishing very little.

Secondly, after two voting cycles, voters will get an opportunity to decide to keep the system or go back to the one we currently have.

However there has never been a democracy that has gone to a proportional system that has decided to return to FPTP.

Vote Yes and vote for a fair and more democratic system of government.

Beverley Joy


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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