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LETTER: Protect the planet, not big oil

It’s interesting to note that while the world is focused on news regarding the coronavirus, our rights and votes are not being taken into account in terms of bills being passed and laws being created.

It’s interesting to note that while the world is focused on news regarding the coronavirus, our rights and votes are not being taken into account in terms of bills being passed and laws being created.

B.C. doesn’t want the TransMountain Pipeline – it’s clear from the petitions and protesting that has been a consistent response to the government forcing it through, regardless of taxpayer opinion. We stand to be the most at-risk when, not if, a spill were to occur. The taxpaying citizens of British Columbia live here because we respect and want to protect the natural beauty of our environment. A government agenda cannot be rammed down our throats while we’re distracted by the threat of catching a virus.

A handout to big oil at this point in time will not save the industry or protect its workers. Our country is under pressure to transition to a renewable energy economy – for the protection of the planet that sustains our life as humans.

If we don’t use this opportunity to recreate our economy in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way, when will we do it?

Courtney Zehanoviz


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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