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LETTER: Residents have clearly expressed concerns with Quadra McKenzie Plan

Saanich council needs to engage in true consultation with the community
Saanich residents were invited to an open house organized by the municipality to inform the public and gather feedback on the Quadra McKenzie Plan, on Nov. 5.

In response to Saanich Mayor Dean Murdock’s letter about the Quadra McKenzie Plan in the Saanich News. Thank you Mr. Mayor, we don’t need to be reminded that Saanich is a great place to live.

You also say that community’s feedback is central to the process and will shape the final version of the plan. You are by now well aware, or should be, that many people in the areas to be most affected by this plan are publicly expressing that they have not been adequately consulted. We hope that you will respond accordingly.

This is not NIMBYism – too many people will see their rights to peaceful ownership severely disrupted. Saanich’s advertisements, online surveys, pop-up events, webinars, and workshops about the QMP engaged with few (tech-savvy) participants – and without available information about where participants resided. This engagement is inadequate and does not provide accurate or representative information about public opinion.

We all understand that densification should occur, but the Quadra McKenzie Plan is overreach. Quoting the Homes for Living website: “Affordability and density does not mean high-rises in traditionally single-family home residential neighbourhoods. There are numerous ways developers add to, and enhance, existing neighbourhood character. Infill projects that respect planning and design guidelines will support existing character while allowing families across the income spectrum to continue living there.” The QMP far exceeds this characterization.

I urge Saanich mayor and council to follow through and engage in true community consultation, not the performative variety. Please represent all of us.

Gil Letourneau
