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LETTER: Saanich councillor has been a longtime champion of the environment

Coun. Nathalie Chambers (Black Press Media file photo)

Re: the letter “Saanich councillor trying to justify a poor decision.”

I wholeheartedly agree with the statement that “Saanich council has certainly lost the trust of residents” but I disagree with the remaining sentiments the writer puts forth.

Coun. Nathalie Chambers is the only council member who can continually be counted on to consider the environment and the detrimental effect our population is having on it.

I would love to be able to walk dogs free of constraints in Saanich and I do not agree with all of council’s rulings in regards to the PPP but the writer singles out Coun. Chambers. My understanding is that the PPP was unanimously approved by council. Criticism and blame cannot be limited to one member.

Coun. Chambers lives and farms on the edge of PKOLS and you will not find too many people that are as dedicated to the care of the land. She and her husband have chosen to farm organically not just so that people can have healthier food but because it is better for the land. A quick perusal of the Madrona Farms website shows the reader how much care is taken in choosing farming methods that create less disturbance to the land, incorporate friendly wildlife and insect ways, and produce food that is free of chemicals and harmful products.

To further prove my point of land care, I understand that the Chambers were active and instrumental in putting this land into trust to protect it in perpetuity. If you ask me there is no greater move than protecting land for the good of all.

I have attended many council meetings. My chief concern with development is with the destruction of trees and greenery and the loss of wildlife, bird and insect habitat. I have come to learn that Nathalie Chambers will always be a champion of the environment. If more people acted with the environment in mind our municipality would be a physically and mentally healthier place in which to live.

So, to the writer, If you disagree with council’s decisions (as I have many times) please place the blame with all the members that voted that way.

Jan Ellison
