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LETTER: Saanich councillor muzzled

“Me Too” highlights the abuses to women are not only physical. Men suppressing a woman’s right to speak counts as well. Thanks to an astute Saanich council meeting observer’s letter in the Saanich News, titled “Saanich council out of order,” the intentional bureaucratic suppression in the name of a “point of order” to prevent Coun. Nathalie Chambers from speaking was revealed.

“Me Too” highlights the abuses to women are not only physical. Men suppressing a woman’s right to speak counts as well. Thanks to an astute Saanich council meeting observer’s letter in the Saanich News, titled “Saanich council out of order,” the intentional bureaucratic suppression in the name of a “point of order” to prevent Coun. Nathalie Chambers from speaking was revealed.

Mayor Fred Haynes has control of Coun. Chambers mic. We don’t know what she wanted to say. The issue being freely discussed by her colleagues was the University Heights shopping mall rezoning and development permit amendment application. It is yet another example of a male muzzling a strong and principled female elected official — until demonstrated otherwise. It should be noted that Coun. Chambers seconded the motion for the application to go to public hearing and yet was not provided the courtesy of speaking as seconder.

I do know from what I’ve heard and read that Coun. Chambers, when she is not muzzled, expressed that she is the only councillor who doesn’t take developer and realtor campaign financing. She votes to protect trees, farmland and habitat over developer profit 10 times out of 10. The others, except for Coun. Judy Brownoff, have a less than stellar record. Is that a coincidence?

Is it this relationship that Mayor Haynes didn’t want to go on record? We’ll have to assume so — until demonstrated otherwise.

Larry Wartels


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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