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LETTER: Saanich did the right thing by ticketing HarbourCats van

It’s about time. Applause to Saanich for stepping up and doing something about the van that has been stored in the Braefoot Parking lot for the past few years.

It’s about time. Applause to Saanich for stepping up and doing something about the van that has been stored in the Braefoot Parking lot for the past few years.

Contrary to the claims in the article, that parking lot is regularly full on evenings and weekends, as softball, soccer and lacrosse participants access the park. Neighbours have been more than patient with parking and traffic spilling over onto side streets. Dedicating a parking spot to a stored vehicle is not only an aggravating waste of space, but also a violation of Saanich Parks bylaws limiting overnight parking.

It is not enough that the Braefoot Community Association gets a rent-free building on municipal land and has for-profit businesses operating out of it (a quick check online shows the offices of Richardson Sport and its subsidiaries all located in the Braefoot building). Do we now have to offer public space to store the detritus of those businesses (a van, a trailer, numerous kayaks) ? What’s to stop any of us storing our junk in Braefoot Park too?

Given that they only run programs in the summer, one has to ask exactly why the BCA needs a vehicle stored at Braefoot 10 months of the year. If they have an occasional need, let them borrow the HarbourCats van at that point.

In the meantime, it’s time it moves back to its parking space downtown. And pay those tickets – they are are merely the downpayment on parking space rent owing to the municipality.

Carlos Eduardo


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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