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LETTER: Saanich needs to rein in leashing recommendations

Many of Saanich’s People, Pets and Parks Strategy recommendations should be supported. These include defining ‘under control’ clearly, improved waste management, more and better education, fencing some of the ecologically sensitive areas, clear signage, education and training along with appropriate enforcement and evaluation processes.

Many of Saanich’s People, Pets and Parks Strategy recommendations should be supported. These include defining ‘under control’ clearly, improved waste management, more and better education, fencing some of the ecologically sensitive areas, clear signage, education and training along with appropriate enforcement and evaluation processes. Adding a few leash-only park areas may be needed for social and environmental protection reasons, and the creation of accessible and good-quality enclosed dog parks will better serve the needs of some dog owners.

However, the slashing of 84 per cent of today’s off-leash spaces must be rejected. It is not supported by the data Saanich itself collected and would be a damaging, significant loss to the entire community

Here is what will happen if Saanich council acts on these recommendations:

The 104 parks that have at least some off-leash access will lose it including: PKOLS, Colquitz River Park, Mount Tolmie, Panama Flats and Cuthbert Holmes Park. Every single beach in Saanich will be on-leash only, except Cordova Bay. Close to 93 per cent of the PKOLS trails will be restricted. Only 11 parks and one beach would be truly off-leash and seven of those take 10 minutes or less to walk through (under 2.5 ha).

This “solution” to a non-existent problem will cost taxpayers $4-7 million over the next five years.

This is unreasonable, unbalanced and unfair to our community. Saanich council must reject these ill-conceived and expensive leashing recommendations

Eulala Mills


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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