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LETTER: Saanich workers go above and beyond

With this letter I would like to acknowledge the professionalism, commitment to public safety and prompt actions of a small group of Saanich employees whose work, sadly, may often go under appreciated.

With this letter I would like to acknowledge the professionalism, commitment to public safety and prompt actions of a small group of Saanich employees whose work, sadly, may often go under appreciated.

To Ariana at the report desk who took my call, cheerful and thorough, quickly got the ball rolling; to Const. Manju who promptly attended the scene, assessed the situation and filed the work order; and finally to the Saanich Works crew for removing the offending branches. What I had expected to take days took, perhaps, three hours. You certainly set a high standard.

David Kerr


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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