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LETTER: Sandown operation should not be subsidized

Re: Use of Sandown agricultural lands. North Saanich seems determined to waste more taxpayer money on Sandown.

Re: Use of Sandown agricultural lands. North Saanich seems determined to waste more taxpayer money on Sandown.

The district has owned Sandown farm for several years and have poured a huge amount of money and time into this project. And now it has announced an agreement has been reached with Circular Farm to lease the property for 10 years at a minimum rent of $10 per year and an agreement to pay financial assistance in the amount of $385,000 over a three-year period.

North Saanich has mishandled this from the beginning and now it is subsidizing a group of well-meaning dreamers who have ambitious plans and limited funds to invest.

What is the benefit to the community? The farm community is solidly opposed to North Saanich owning farmland. This agreement is going to hurt existing producers and farmers in the district as they will have to compete with a subsidized operation. It is time to stop this foolish use of taxpayer money. The operation of Sandown should not be subsidized by taxpayers.

Hamish Crawford

Highland House Farm

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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