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LETTER: Sidney council shows gall questioning VAA warehouse project

Re: Sidney calls on airport to improve design of warehouse (News Review, May 13)
Letter writer questions the propriety of Sidney council objecting to a warehouse development on lands controlled by the Victoria Airport Authority. (York Realty/Submitted).

Re: Sidney calls on airport to improve design of warehouse (News Review, May 13)

I read with concern this report by Wolf Depner; that Sidney council has the gall to want to impose its view on a development on land owned and controlled by the Victoria Airport Authority (VAA) is rich to me.

Council is apparently concerned with the increased traffic and the appearance of the building, including its height and the impact on the local residents. The research I did by going to Sidney’s website indicates that in 2019 alone, 45 units (either a townhouse or house) were approved for building, 103 units in 2020 and so far in 2021, 26 units have been approved (this does not include the three “oversized for Sidney” buildings on Third Avenue and the large condo at the corner of Fourth Avenue which were approved in prior years).

It seems to me that Sidney council has little concern for appearance of buildings, increased traffic or impact on local residents in all these projects, which continue to go up at an alarming rate. Traffic is now a real concern, as is parking and there is no doubt that grocery shopping will become even more congested.

Geoff Irwin speaks of VAA’s project as a “disaster waiting to happen” – the same can be said for what is currently happening in Sidney.

L. Hatch

North Saanich/Sidney

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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