I am absolutely shocked at the performance of this NDP government. The citizens of Sooke spoke strongly against Bill 44 and its dictatorial zoning of our community. Bill 44 will create up to four housing units per lot with greater density allowed at transit hubs.
There are no public hearings allowed and you won’t know what is coming up in your neighbourhood. I worked on three Official Community Plans for our area, always trying to get as much community input as possible from the people who live and work here. Our last community plan, not yet passed, was a bust in my opinion as it was a top-down plan designed by others with an agenda that did not include the needs of our community. The community spoke loud and clear they did not approve of the plan and it is as yet not official.
So along comes the NDP and overthrows any and all community involvement and densifies our community beyond capacity. We all know the horror of travelling on Sooke Road, and there is no money for roads, according to the NDP. This is appalling. How dare this NDP government override our council and the people's wishes. Already people are denied time with their families as they sit in traffic for up to four hours a day depending on road conditions and accidents. We sit there idling gobbling up 30% carbon tax on our fuel, which is also going up. Enough. This irresponsible government has to go. They have now racked up a whopping $9 billion debt.
It's time to step up to the plate folks and find out why you are so poor and have trouble paying for high food costs, warming your homes and general living costs. The election is set for Oct. 19. Get out and get informed for the sake of the future of our community and our children.
Ellen Lewers