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LETTER: Sooke shopper souped up to support Canada

Like most people in this country, I was swept up in a patriotic fervour the other day when shopping. It was Thursday – seniors 10 per cent off, hooray – and I was determined to seek out Canadian products.
More and more shoppers are searching for Canadian products on the store shelves.

Like most people in this country, I was swept up in a patriotic fervour the other day when shopping. It was Thursday – seniors 10 per cent off, hooray – and I was determined to seek out Canadian products. It turned out to be more difficult than I thought.

In the soup section, I looked around for a Canadian can but was faced with a wall of American soups with scarcely a local name to be seen. I was horrified, no Canadian products from anywhere. But, wait a moment, just about at ankle level there were a few cans of an unfamiliar name. Where from? The name was Sprague and it was from Bowmanville, Ont. Bingo!

I bought two cans, tomato and a Tuscan medley. I’m happy to record that both were excellent, especially the Tuscan. So folks, when shopping for soups don’t be vague, ask for Sprague. Your patriotic tongue will love you.

Fred Whittaker
