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LETTER: Sooke voter approval ‘baloney’

The two-year-long pandemic and climate crisis show clearly the roots of the problems we face - intense human activity, dense population, and brutal treatment of nature.

The two-year-long pandemic and climate crisis show clearly the roots of the problems we face - intense human activity, dense population, and brutal treatment of nature.

One can see it all in Sooke, where district council seems intent on developing every inch of land: getting rid of the last vestiges of greenery in the city instead of cherishing and growing them. This policy contradicts the expert opinion that spending time in nature is the best way to maintain our physical and mental health.

Sooke council decided to dispose of 1.9 acres of dedicated public parkland in John Phillips Memorial Park by leasing it for $1 a year to a private club that plans to build a monstrosity of a 300-person banquet hall, offices, concessions, a sound stage and two parking lots.

We had a taste of what’s to come last weekend during a community day held in the park. Those were two days of noise and air pollution, but imagine this happening every day of the year!

The alternative (negative) voting, sneaked in by the council instead of a referendum, gave them (in their opinion) “elector approval” for the project, which is baloney because 80 per cent of the residents had no idea of the proposed development.

We should have municipal elections every two years instead of four (like in other provinces) to check municipal ambitions.

Nina Leshinskaya


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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