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LETTER: Speed-reducing measures going nowhere

‘Speed cushions’ and other attempts to physically slow traffic do not work, but may harm safely driven vehicles.

‘Speed cushions’ and other attempts to physically slow traffic do not work, but may harm safely driven vehicles.

I’ve seen a car damaged by such despite travelling at quite low speed, while I’ve seen off-road wannabes delight in bouncing over them.

Saanich proved that chicanes do not work, at Cowper and Colquitz – I saw a dual-wheel truck navigate through them with the skill of a race car driver. Eventually, Saanich removed it because it impeded long wheelbase transit buses.

Why does Saanich have a quick-fix mentality that reinvents a flat tire instead of looking and asking other fiefdoms?

They should have the decency to fund police feet on the street, which would have benefits far beyond traffic speed on a few streets.

Keith Sketchley


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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