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LETTER: Stand up for the voiceless in Cameroon

If Black lives matter, why is it that we hear so little about the modern-day massacre of English-speaking Cameroonians?

If Black lives matter, why is it that we hear so little about the modern-day massacre of English-speaking Cameroonians?

In spite of photographic evidence that shows the burning of villages, and in spite of the fact that back in June 2019, UNICEF claimed that 1.3 million people in the Anglophone regions of Cameroon needed humanitarian aid, it seems that the world has turned a deaf ear. The Norwegian Refugee Council announced recently that “Cameroon’s conflict with English-speaking separatists has been rated as the most-neglected crises in the world, for the second year running.”

Black lives *everywhere* matter. I would encourage every facet of the media to educate us on the issue of Cameroon, and for every one of us to ‘ask not what your country can do for you,’ ask what your country might be able to do for the voiceless in Cameroon.

Connie Lebeau


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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