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LETTER: State of city core makes me ashamed of Victoria

Downtown sidewalks filled with people doing drugs, and often cluttered with debris and bodily fluids
A worker uses a hemostat tool to pick up a needle, containing blood, from a site cleanup in Greater Victoria. (B.C. Hazmat Management/Facebook)

This is my first email to any government body, association or media. However, there comes a time when one must add their voice to the conversation regarding the state of our downtown streets, or in this case, the obstructed sidewalks.

At about 4 p.m. on March 7, my friend and I were making our way from Vic West along Johnson Street to Moxies in the 1100 block of Yates. In the three blocks between the bridge and Douglas Street, as we walked along the south side of the street, we were forced into the roadway on four separate occasions due to groups of persons openly doing drugs while sitting in the middle of the sidewalk. We quite literally could not pass by without stepping off, manoeuvring between parked vehicles, and walking along the roadway. On several other occasions, in these blocks and into the 700 block of Johnson, it was necessary to dodge groups of persons standing on the sidewalk smoking crack.

As we made our way, we chatted, questioning how other seniors who are not as agile as we, or are restricted by a mobility device, or perhaps simply travelling with toddlers or a stroller, manage? We also chatted about the cleanliness. I work downtown and regularly walk on my lunch hour. Sadly, on many occasions I have been disturbed by the state of our sidewalks, alcoves, and alleys, which are often cluttered with debris and bodily fluids; but not enough to have reached out previously.

My friend and I grew up in Victoria and the surrounding area and remember when we were proud to call ourselves Victorians, and looked forward to spending time downtown. This is not the case any longer. These blocks along Johnson, in the heart of the city between Chinatown and Market Square, are prime tourist destinations, and on this day, I was embarrassed for Victoria. It is a disgrace and the city should be ashamed. Please stop the denial and do something about the state of our city core.

Sherri Lord
