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LETTER: Student housing problem extends beyond Oak Bay

Re: The article on the student housing crisis (Aug. 19). Student housing is the responsibility of the provincial government.

Re: The article on the student housing crisis (Aug. 19). Student housing is the responsibility of the provincial government.

UVic students far outnumber Oak Bay’s population. Oak Bay’s “restrictive bylaws” allowing two unrelated boarders help make it a desirable community. Relaxing those numbers and allowing more unrelated tenants will create another student ghetto found across Canada.

Just one example. The City of Oshawa was recently sued by taxpaying residents weary of student parties, noise, parking, vandalism and garbage, all wanting a return to a zoned single-family neighbourhood.

Why is UVic attracting and accepting students if there is a housing problem? Many thousands of students far outnumber the population of Oak Bay. How is this Oak Bay’s problem?

Over 20 years ago I was living in Norway. A survey arrived because I owned property near UVic. I indicated I expected towering student residences and suggested parking on the lower levels.

Ah, Norway. Proportional representation, wide-open government books, no homeless, that pension fund, and where drunk or distracted drivers lose their licence for life, etc.

Student housing? Please don’t look at Oak Bay. Look to our provincial government.

Rhondda Tolen

Oak Bay

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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