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LETTER: There’s a difference between necessities and needs


The letter writer taking a tirade on grocers should look at the numbers better. Loblaws, for one, includes all Shoppers Drug Marts, as well as hygiene products like perfumes, makeup, road salt, garden supplies, TVs, and just about anything you would find in a department store.

Since when did the job you got out of high school guarantee you a home or no worries? Gen X-Y-Z and millennials spend more on food delivery or eating out than anyone, yet they bark the most about not owning a home in their early 20s. Bloated immigration levels and COVID isolation helped grocers, and food is the basic staple of life, not cellphones, big-screen TVs, fancy clothes, or having pets.

Concessions are needed to build your life but some just can’t manage given the unnecessary COVID mandates which ruined many businesses, jobs, but also improved many. People are hooked on pricey pre-made food, rather than trying to make their own meals. I’d give up any loyalty card if the money went towards wages. I find the bigger the grocery chain, the more deals I can find with better selection.

Government intervention is non-existent, we still have the worst cellphone rates despite promises by the feds. Schools feeding kids just points to bad parenting not to mention wasted property tax dollars. Breakfast at home costs a dollar. There’s a difference between necessities and needs, I don’t think the governments will continue to help or pretend to bail you out.

Stuart Walker

Central Saanich