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LETTER: Transition Sooke on wrong track over growth

Re: Why pausing some development in Sooke is a good idea ( Online , Jan. 29)

Re: Why pausing some development in Sooke is a good idea (Online, Jan. 29)

It would seem Transition Sooke is only interested in one thing – stopping growth – to take care of its members’ own selfish needs in retirement.

There is plenty of literature that supports density housing and biofuel plants worldwide to combat global warming.

Still, because they choose to hijack the official community plan and municipal bylaws with a trojan horse of fear tactics and misleading science to gain credibility, the rest of the community may go without housing, jobs and daycare for their kids.

Canada is not a global polluter, and Canada is far from overpopulated.

We have a responsibility to govern for all people and not just one small group that screams the loudest because they have lots of time on their hands. The council is on the right track by waiting to adopt a one-sided community plan that stops everything in its tracks for 10 years.

Herb Haldane


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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