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LETTER: Vegan diet vital to fight climate change

There is no gentle way to put it. Humans are stupid. We can’t even see what is in front of our noses.

There is no gentle way to put it. Humans are stupid. We can’t even see what is in front of our noses.

Recently we learned that Canada is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world. We need to wake up.

READ ALSO: Canada heating up faster than rest of world: Report

The evidence is so clear according to many scientists including the Worldwatch Institute. Livestock and their byproducts account for at least 32,000 million tons of carbon dioxide per year, or 51 per cent of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. The livestock industry is far and away the biggest contributor to global warming. So here we are blaming the governments for not taking enough action. Individuals need to do their part.

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Sure we need to keep the pressure on all levels of government to reduce emissions. But how about you? Are you vegan yet? If not, why not? You should be. In addition, a plant-based diet is the healthiest diet and you will be doing your body a big favour.

So, please don’t sit back in your chairs eating your steaks and all forms of meat and dairy while pointing fingers at the governments. It is you that is responsible to save this planet for your children, my children and our grandchildren. The kids get it. Forty per cent of all people in B.C. under the age of 35 are now vegetarian/vegan. Now it is time for all ages to get it.

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Let’s all show our intelligence and compassion and just get on with it. Just be vegan.

Betska K-Burr

Brentwood Bay

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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