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LETTER: Victims of crime left betrayed by legal system

Re: No charges forthcoming in one of B.C.’s largest-ever money laundering probes ( Online , March 1)

Re: No charges forthcoming in one of B.C.’s largest-ever money laundering probes (Online, March 1)

Why do I feel betrayed by a system that is supposed to protect and help me?

It would be beneficial to improve the legal system in the area of monetary awards provided to victims of criminal acts. The way it is now, the awards are often so large that they will never be paid.

In our case, $4 million would have been appreciated, but will never be paid by an accused fraudster that knows how to hide his money obtained from crime.

It t would be more just if we could come up with lesser amounts or simply revert our debts to the accused’s name altogether.

We wouldn’t have to worry about the large line of credit we had hoped to pay off entirely. We wouldn’t have to worry about the smaller debts that the fraudster had created during his mismanagement of our company, he would be logically responsible for these debts, not us any longer.

The other option would be to implement automatically that if the award amount is not paid, a loss of freedom and a jail sentence should be the next consequence.

Frederique Philips


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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