Thank heavens for councillors like Victoria's Marg Gardiner who truly represent the citizens who elected them. Other councillors along with the mayor of Victoria clearly appear to be more influenced by the development industry given their overall pro-developer voting record and documented receipt of campaign donations from developers.
Coun. Gardiner is council's representative for the Rockland neighbourhood. She made a passionate plea March 18, to a receptive and well-attended Rockland Neighbourhood Association AGM. Her message was clear, direct and passionate: act now (before April 10) while you can to save Rockland and its character and charm from the city's current relentless and irresponsible preoccupation with build, build, build.
Coun. Gardiner did the right thing and distributed two pages of the current city housing development governance direction, which if followed, would soon turn Victoria into just another sterile, high-density urban jungle you can find anywhere on our precious planet, full of highrises, cement, asphalt, rapid transit and less than truly alive residents.
These housing directives include more three-bedroom homes, more galley-style housing (without changing site coverage policies), remove/reduce ACCs for affordable homeownership units, emphasize mass transit, including light rail, ensure "flexibility in adherence to OCP and related documents" with a "housing priority approach."
Housing development directives also include "expand priority growth areas around transit/active transportation corridors to at least a full block" and "reduce the minimum side setback to 1 metre and the front setback to 3 metres, without changing site coverage."
Other directives limit costs to non-profit housing providers for any new frontage work, document implications of allowing six-storey non-market developments citywide, facilitate additional local villages to the OCP or convert proposed waterfront villages to local villages through increased density and extent and reduce barriers to build car-light or car-free housing.
To add fuel to this build-at-all-costs municipal firestorm, protective measures for heritage properties may be severely reduced or eliminated.
The overall message to Rockland residents and municipal taxpayers: "Enjoy our treasured Rockland neighbourhood while we can."
Jim Cuthbert