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LETTER: Victoria MP's bill will make women safer

Agencies like Victoria Women's Transition House provide much-needed support
Victoria MP Laurel Collins put forward a private member’s bill that would criminalize a pattern of abuse known as coercive control. (Courtesy Laurel Collins campaign)

Thank God for Randall Garrison, Laurel Collins and her bill to make intimate partner coercive control and violence a crime. It is about time this happened. Every six days a woman is killed by intimate partner violence.

I grew up with a father suffering from addiction which meant everyone in the family suffered. I wish this bill was in force in the 1950s, along with the services of agencies like the Women's Transition House in Victoria. Transition house offers many wrap-around services for women and children suffering from abusive partners (usually men).

Apart from being grateful to Laurel and Randall, I make a small monthly donation to the Victoria Women's Transition House, so that families today will benefit from counselling, safe temporary housing leading to full-time housing, and financial and legal assistance. I would encourage anyone with similar views to mine to donate to this very worthwhile life-and-death support for families in need.

Dave Connell