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LETTER: Water restrictions should have no exceptions


We are about to go under water restrictions, which in these times is a good thing for all of us. It looks like it may get to be longer than we would like due to the lack of rain.

The population is increasing at a very high rate. The consumption of our water supply will become more and more of a strain on the reservoir. I have been watching the situation in Vancouver and its restrictions. No lawn watering. A person from the Vancouver water board was being interviewed on the news and was asked about the golf courses and parks. The board member said they pay big bucks for their water on golf courses. Personally, I and probably many others don’t care if they pay a million dollars a litre. They are still using a lot of our water that is not being replenished with the reservoir going down.

Another look around and you see a lot of brown lawns, but you can’t find any in Uplands. It seems there are two standards when it comes to watering. The haves and the have-nots. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that no matter who is using the water it will eventually get to a dangerous level.

Also, why do lawns in parks have to be green? They look very nice but it is not necessary. Hopefully, in the fall or winter they will come back.

D. Jordan
