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LETTER: Word salad fogs the issue on old-growth forests

Re: Pacheedaht condemn cutting of trees by Fairy Creek protesters ( News , July 29)

Re: Pacheedaht condemn cutting of trees by Fairy Creek protesters (News, July 29)

Sorry, Kevin Rothbauer, but when it comes to the Fairy Creek old-growth tree story, it’s still word salad and no clear idea as to what happens after that two-year deferral.

Indeed, when terms like “select older cedar trees” and “cultural cedar” are tossed into the dialogue, then stewardship, whether by the Pacheedaht or the provincial government, remains highly suspect.

Whatever the claims about the present activities of the protestors, the first rains this fall will clean up any mess but allowing any more old-growth trees to be cut will be a constant and visible blight for hundreds of years.

Andy Neimers


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