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LETTERS: Development devastating Ten Mile Point’s natural environment

Environmental devastation of Ten Mile Point a sign of the times? It started out so well… the Ten Mile Point ecological reserve was established in 1975 citing a rich sea and inter-tidal zone and migratory bird sanctuary.

Environmental devastation of Ten Mile Point a sign of the times? It started out so well… the Ten Mile Point ecological reserve was established in 1975 citing a rich sea and inter-tidal zone and migratory bird sanctuary.

Over the decades, urbanization along the seashore, the blasting of the foreshore to erect seawalls, boat launches and decks has resulted in a barren seascape. Rescinding of the EDPA and any other credible tree protection led to immediate intensified terraforming and the removal of any mature tree standing between a new build/remodel and the sea.

What was once a folksy urban oasis is now an increasingly lifeless example of our collective apathy.

The situation is rapidly becoming worse with each monster house permitted to level their lot. To visit Ten Mile today there is no need to fear treading on delicate fauna – it is gone, you need to fear the endless construction trucks and lot-leveling explosions.

This isn’t a condemnation of the home-builders, they are doing what they are permitted to do. It is a collective failing, and it is a failure of Saanich council over many years to do little more than virtue signalling when it comes to the climate and the environment.

Leadership by council in this area isn’t riding their bikes or planting grass on the roof – it is setting and stewarding sound policy and bylaws to protect us from ourselves and for the betterment of the land and future generations.

If you are a fan of nature, you can cross Ten Mile Point off your list, If you are a fan of architecture - come on by. Saanich as a whole is still an incredible place to live and play but it’s natural splendor is fading fast on this council’s watch.

Graham Payette


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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