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LETTERS: Drivers on drugs pose a risk

What is being done in Victoria to protect pedestrians and law-abiding drivers from drivers who are on the streets, high on drugs?

What is being done in Victoria to protect pedestrians and law-abiding drivers from drivers who are on the streets, high on drugs?

My husband and I are avid walkers. There has not been one occasion in many, many months while out on walks that we have not personally witnessed at least one driver flagrantly puffing away on a joint while driving. Also, the smell of weed is regularly wafting out of passing vehicles.

Where are the police? Why are innocent people being put at risk while this illegal behaviour is not being stopped or at least curtailed? Taxpayers deserve better. The streets of Victoria shouldn’t be a free for all but it certainly seems to be, based on our experiences as walkers in the Saanich area in particular. This needs to stop before more innocent people pay the price for those impaired drivers who are breaking the laws.

Geraldine Hartman


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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