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LETTERS: Masks should be properly disposed of

Too many are disposing of their masks wherever they feel like it

I would like to address an annoying and bad health related trend I am seeing where some in our communities are disposing of their blue face masks by just dropping them where ever they feel like it.

Come on people, are you kidding me? I have seen the masks on the floor in women’s washrooms – I guess the metal box on the wall was not thought to be a good place to dispose of them – or in parking lots outside of stores or just wherever people feel like it.

Who do you think is going to pick up your discarded, germ-infected blue masks? And if you care so much to wear a mask, why would you casually dispose of it this way, infecting other people who are paid to pick that garbage up?

If it’s not masks being thrown away in public places, or dog feces in coloured bags thrown away on the beach or on public trails, it’s people trashing public campgrounds. What is going on with people?

It’s like some people have lost all sensibility. We all live in this very large community called the world, and we are all tired of those in this world that don’t give a care about how they are leaving it for others.

Janet Baker

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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