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LETTERS: Masks show respect for others’ well-being

I am frustrated to see so many of our neighbours not wearing masks in public. Nor are many of us following the directional guides on the floors of our retail shops to encourage social distancing.

I am frustrated to see so many of our neighbours not wearing masks in public. Nor are many of us following the directional guides on the floors of our retail shops to encourage social distancing.

I am a parent of two little children and I am living with a chronic and complex illness, placing me at high risk for COVID-19. I wear a mask and keep a two-metre distance, not to protect myself, but to keep shopkeepers, my neighbours and you safe. However, not everyone I encounter pays the same respect.

The science is clear, masks reduce the risk of COVID-19. So it is beyond me, why anyone would not wear a mask.

Oh — and I am asthmatic; I can still breathe with a mask on. So please, consider others, like myself or my children, who rely on me and wear a mask and keep your cooties to yourself.

L. Dennis

North Saanich

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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