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LETTERS: New sidewalk etiquette

Think people. With six-foot distancing, if you stop, stand or sit on or near a sidewalk, you are effectively blocking it for everyone else.
(Black Press Media files)

Think people. With six-foot distancing, if you stop, stand or sit on or near a sidewalk, you are effectively blocking it for everyone else.

If you need to look at your all-important phone, watch your dog pee, or speak to someone in person, please move at least four feet away from the sidewalk. If speaking with someone, please both stand at least four feet away from the walk, parallel to it and on the same side.

Paired walkers please break to single file when approaching and passing others.

If walkers need to move onto the street when passing, if possible, it should be the walkers facing oncoming vehicle traffic who should move onto the street.

Dog walkers please realize that if you and Fido are both on the sidewalk, you effectively block the whole walkway. Please keep Fido on leash and off the sidewalk when passing others.

Joggers/runners please remember that sidewalks are not your personal training track, and everyone needs to move over to provide that six-foot distance. When passing walkers from behind, please run by a fair distance before cutting back in.

Brian Rossnagel


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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