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MAYOR’S REPORT: Langford shows its strength and dedication

Stew Young expresses his appreciation to residents, businesses and frontline workers
Langford Mayor Stew Young is a collector and restorer of classic cars including his 1956 Buick Riviera Super. (Don Denton photography)

Stew Young

Mayor of Langford

2020 has been a year like no other and has challenged many of us in ways we’ve never experienced before. With that in mind, I would like to do something a little different for this year’s holiday column by sending out thank you wishes to three different segments of our community.

The first thank you goes out to the amazing residents of Langford. Despite everything this year has thrown our way, I commend you all for your bravery, strength and dedication to our community. I know many of you have been taking that extra step to check in on your neighbours, supporting small businesses by shopping locally or helping out in other ways. Please know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Langford is a family community, and you’ve all shown your commitment to one another and doing your part to keep us all safe. And for that, I am grateful. I know I’m biased, but I really believe that Langford is the best place to live, and that is thanks to you, the incredible people who call our city home.

ALSO READ: Langford cuts red tape, engages in random acts of kindness to uplift spirits

My second thank you goes out to our Langford business community. 2020 has seen unprecedented challenges for many local business owners. But despite this, I have witnessed unparalleled acts of creativity and ingenuity displayed by many of you in order to keep your doors open and customers safe. I’ve seen businesses supporting one another, and many of you also took part in our I Am Langford and Taste of Langford campaigns. We can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I am confident that 2021 will see brighter days.

ALSO READ: Langford launches new campaign to support local eateries

Last and certainly not least, I would like to send a heartfelt thank you to the frontline and health-care workers for everything you’ve done over the past year. These are our doctors, nurses, teachers, daycare providers, grocery store employees, custodians and all other essential workers. You’ve kept our communities going and made sure that people received the essential care and services they’ve needed. Many of you have sacrificed so much, and we owe you our most sincere gratitude and appreciation.

As we move through the holiday season and approach the new year, we must all continue to do what we can to stay safe and stop the spread of COVID-19. I hope that you can take this time to spend quality time together with your immediate family, stay connected with those whom you cannot be with right now, and make sure to reach out to those who may be feeling isolated or alone. I am confident that we will come out of 2020 stronger than ever as a community. On behalf of myself, Langford council and city staff, I wish you a safe and healthy new year and best wishes in 2021.

Happy holidays.

Stew Young is the mayor of Langford.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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