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Nothing wrong with rewarding hard workers

Occupy protests take aim at a fair system, reader says

I’ve watched the Occupy protests on TV, and after watching many interviews it seems there are as many reasons people are protesting as there are people.

The underlying theme though seems to be the disparity of the have’s and have not’s, the wealthy and poor, the expanding divide and a need to change the system.

And I ask, what’s wrong with a system that allows a grocery clerk like Alex Campbell Sr. to grow a chain of successful grocery businesses, employing thousands of people and investing millions of dollars into the community?

What’s wrong with a system that allows a fired car salesman like Jimmy Pattison to create an empire, again employing thousands of people and investing millions into the community?

The system is open to anyone who is prepared to work hard, innovate and take some risks.

Look at what Apple founder Steve Jobs did for the world. He quit school and worked out of his garage. He worked hard and created value for many.

These people worked hard all their lives, even though they could have retired long before their time. They’re not greedy, and they’ve been rewarded for bringing so much to so many.

The other question I have to ask is: if we’re going to change the system, what are we going to change to?

Bob Broughton


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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